The Best Management Book You'll Ever Read...
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The Best Management Book You'll Ever Read...

Red leather book with the title "the best management book you'll ever read" in large white text

I was lucky enough to be in the audience when I heard this standout piece of wisdom about the best management book you'll ever read...


What is The Best Management Book You'll Ever Read?

“The best management book you’ll ever read…is the one you write yourself."

The words of global Airline Executive Heike Birlenbach

It was a lightbulb moment for me. All the management books I've read over the years From Good to Great, Influence and the Daddy of them all: How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Yet, here was someone I respected deeply saying my own book would be better than those business greats that went before me - how could this be?

Here's how: The management book you write yourself is personal to you - written by you, for you. It's not like the other management books that went before - however great they may have been.

The book that's personal to you will resonate much more deeply with you because it's just that...personal.

Your Very Own Personalised Learning Journal

It was during the kick-off lecture at York Business School that we discussed the importance of keeping a Personal Learning Journal and I recalled the story of listening to Heike's speech.

3 Top Tips for Your Personal Learning Journey:

The Morning After Ritual: Sit down over your 1st coffee of the day☕️ and reflect:

✅ Reflect on what happened yesterday - the good and the not so good


✅✅ What, specifically, did you learn as a result? Write as much as you can.


✅✅✅ Write down the 2 best pieces of learning

By the end of the 1st week, you’ll have 10 pieces of personalised learning for your journal.

As good as that is, you won’t yet have formed a habit; you'll still have to make a conscious effort to persist with your new morning ritual.

Repeat for the next 30-60 days. It's then become an embedded habit.

You won’t have to think about it anymore, you’ll just do it.

At the end of this period, you will have 60 x 2 = 120 points of personalised learning.

Your own personalised learning journal – literally, the best management book you’ll ever read.

Is it that simple, I hear you ask?

Yes, it's that simple. However, I predict these 3 things:

❌ 97% will read this blog but won’t take any action

✅ 2% will do it for a while and then just fizzle out

✅✅ Only 1% will develop the habit of writing your own journal

Want to be part of that 1%? My advice is to start today.

So. What did you learn from yesterday? 🤔

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